Much in Demand, the Rafale Fighter jet is Claimed to be Increasingly Successful in the International Market

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Much in Demand, the Rafale Fighter jet is Claimed to be Increasingly Successful in the International Market

Recently, a number of countries were reported to be involved in an agreement to sell Rafale fighter jets with France.

One of them is the United Arab Emirates or UAE, which is claimed to be acquiring 80 Rafale units. This UAE deal is also considered the biggest deal.

On the other hand, Indonesia is also ready to get 6 Rafale units in the near future.

As quoted from the Eurasian Times, Indonesia acquired 30-36 Rafale fighter jets at once. It is suspected that this is related to the visit of the French Minister of the Armed Forces Florence Parly to Indonesia on 9-10 February.

Apart from the UAE and Indonesia, the Rafale has proven to be a huge success in the international defense export market.

This is because the plane has been exported to Egypt, Qatar, India, the United Arab Emirates, and Greece.

Croatia also made contracts last year for 12 used Rafales. Even so, the agreement between Indonesia and France on the Rafale has encountered problems.

Indonesia is known to be looking for foreign lenders to finance the project.

Moreover, the Indonesian Ministry of Defense is likely to buy six Rafales with funds set aside for the acquisition of 35 Sukhoi fighter jets (nearly $600 million).

In February 2021, Asia Times reported that Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto could purchase 36 Rafale fighter planes and 8 Boeing F-15 EX aircraft to strengthen the country's frontline air defense.

Indonesia is also looking to purchase three Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules transport aircraft, three Airbus A330 tankers for aerial refueling, six MQ-1 Predator drones, and Italy's Leonardo early warning radar system.

The Rafale is a French twin jet fighter capable of performing a wide range of short and long range tasks.

It is also one of the fighter jets that includes air dominance and air defense, close air support, deep attack, reconnaissance, anti-ship strikes, and nuclear deterrence.

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