Germany and France Urge All Citizens to Leave Ukraine

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Germany and France Urge All Citizens to Leave Ukraine

Germany's Foreign Office has stepped up its warning for its citizens to leave Ukraine, citing rising tensions and a buildup of Russian troops at the border.

The German Foreign Ministry on Saturday (19/2/2022) increased its travel and security warnings for Ukraine.

The office also urged all its citizens to leave Ukraine because of the risk of a possible military confrontation.

Previously, Germany's Foreign Ministry had asked Germans to leave Ukraine, but the latest warning is more urgent.

"German citizens are urgently asked to leave the country now. A military confrontation can occur at any time," the statement said.

"Travel abroad on time. If there is a Russian attack on Ukraine, the options for helping German citizens are very limited," the statement continued.

Earlier this week, the ministry said most of its staff members had left the German embassy in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev.

Family members and seconded employees who are not really needed for business operations have mostly left the country, the ministry said.

Germany's national carrier Lufthansa on Saturday said it was halting all flights to Kiev and the coastal city of Odessa on Monday.

"Flights will be temporarily suspended until the end of February," the company announced.

Meanwhile, France on Saturday also recommended to all its citizens that they should leave Ukraine.

For those in the most open areas, such as in the Kharkiv, Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts, as well as in the Dnipro region, Paris advised them to move "without delay."

"It is recommended to all French nationals who are not in Ukraine for compelling reasons to leave the country," the French Foreign Ministry said.

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