Extend Type Certificate, Russia's MC-21 Aircraft Conducts Tests at Temperatures Below 30 Degrees Celsius

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Extend Type Certificate, Russia's MC-21 Aircraft Conducts Tests at Temperatures Below 30 Degrees Celsius

The Russian MC-21 aircraft has reportedly completed testing in extreme cold. This is known after Rostec announced on Sunday, February 20, 2022 regarding the completion of the testing of the MC-21 aircraft.

The MC-21 test was carried out in the Yakutsk area, Russia since January 23, 2022, as quoted from the aviation24 page.

Even in this MC-21 test, all the systems on the plane were tested at that temperature.

Quoted from the Aero time page, the great thing is that the MC-21-300 prototype aircraft has successfully completed a temperature test below zero degrees.

Even while conducting trials, the MC-21 aircraft had spent 12 hours outdoors before the flight preparation procedure.

These preparations include refueling, starting the engine and auxiliary power unit, heating the aircraft, and so on.

Remarkably with this, the Russian MC-21 aircraft successfully passed the test phase with temperatures below 30 degrees Celsius.

In this regard, Irkut Corporation CEO, Andrei Boginsky has also explained in a statement the purpose of this test.

In which he explained that the purpose of testing this aircraft was to extend the type certificate for the MC-21 aircraft.

In fact, he also explained that there will be other tests in various regions, both domestically and abroad.

"This year we plan to test the aircraft intensively in various regions in our country and abroad," he said.

He also added that the test will be carried out under conditions of high mountains, strong wind shifts, and high temperatures.

It is known, the MC-21 made its first takeoff or flight for the first time in 2017.

The MC-21 is a narrow-body aircraft currently under development at UAC, as are the Boeing 737 MAC and Airbus A320neo.

As for the type of variant, there are two choices for this MC-21 aircraft.

Namely the MC-21-200 with a passenger capacity of 132 seats and a range of 6,400 kilometers.

As for the second variant, the MC-21-300 is provided with a passenger capacity of 163 people and a range of 6,000 kilometers.

It is aimed at the Russian domestic market and their airline has ordered more than 150 aircraft.

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