Dozens of Israeli Fighter Jets Train to Attack Iran's Nuclear Facilities

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Dozens of Israeli Fighter Jets Train to Attack Iran's Nuclear Facilities

A United States military official attends an Israeli military exercise preparing to attack Iran's nuclear facilities using "dozens" of warplanes. The report was disclosed by the Tel Aviv broadcaster, Kan, as reported by on Wednesday (2/2/2022).

"Held in mid-January, the covert exercise envisaged a full-scale attack on Iran's nuclear facilities and played out several scenarios, including aerial refueling, encountering anti-aircraft munitions and carrying out long-range strikes," Kan's report said.

An unnamed US Air Force officer allegedly attended the exercise as an observer.

Also read: Official Documentary Film Explains Why Kim Jong-un's Weight Loss Drastically The outlet added that the presence of the official was unusual for such an exercise.

"The report follows a meeting between US military officials and Israeli Defense Secretary Benny Gantz in December, where similar exercises were discussed," a senior US official said.

While the official declined to elaborate on the plan, they said, "The exercise will prepare for the worst-case scenario to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities if diplomacy fails."

Earlier on Tuesday (1/2/2022), the Israeli military announced it would take part in the massive US-led International Naval Exercise involving about 50 warships from 60 partner countries and 9,000 personnel.

Launched earlier this week, the 18-day drill was held in the Red Sea off the coast of Bahrain, near the headquarters of the US 5th Fleet.

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