China Sprays UN Session Participants: Stop Talking About Russia's Invasion of Ukraine!

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China Sprays UN Session Participants: Stop Talking About Russia's Invasion of Ukraine!

China's Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Zhang Jun seems fed up with the debate over Western claims about Russia's planned invasion of Ukraine.

He stressed emphatically that using the UN Security Council to debate the impasse on the border between Russia and Ukraine was inappropriate.

According to him, the consultation would be better held in a different situation. The statement came as tensions flared in Eastern Europe.

Speaking Monday (31/1/2022) at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council, which the US requested to convene, Zhang Jun said, "Discussing the situation in an open assembly does not contribute to reducing tensions."

“Russia has repeatedly stated that it has no plans to launch any military action. And Ukraine has made it clear that it does not need war," the ambassador stressed.

“Under such circumstances, what is the basis for the countries concerned to insist that there will be war?” he said loudly.

According to the envoy, “The parties involved should try to resolve their differences through dialogue and negotiation.”

“We urgently need quiet diplomacy now, not megaphone diplomacy. Unfortunately, the US does not accept such a constructive proposal," Zhang stressed.

Western leaders have sounded the alarm several times in recent months, claiming Moscow may be planning an imminent launch of an invasion of Ukraine. The allegations have been repeatedly denied by the Kremlin.

Last week, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said, while Moscow has yet to order an attack on its neighbour, "Kiev is already suffering economically and is becoming weaker because of the panic that is spreading to society."

In late January, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told citizens in a televised speech that the risk of invasion had not increased. "There's more sensational promotion about it now," he said.

Secretary of the National Security Council of Ukraine Alexey Danilov also tried to play down the threat. "Russian troop buildup is not as fast as some claim," he said.

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