Build New Headquarters, Huawei Disburses US$ 632 million

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Build New Headquarters, Huawei Disburses US$ 632 million

Huawei will allocate 4 billion yuan ($632 million) to build a new headquarters and research and development (R&D) center for its digital power unit in Shenzhen in the face of US sanctions.

Citing Reuters, Sunday (20/2), Huawei Digital Power signed an agreement with the local government of the southern metropolitan city of Shenzhen on Thursday (17/2). The plan, this development will be similar to the headquarters of Huawei's parent organization.

The signing was part of a major event organized by Shenzhen to mark the launch of a new construction project in the city.

This effort is part of promoting a dual carbon supply chain, which is a sign of reaching China's peak global emissions by 2030 and becoming carbon neutral by 2060.

At the moment, Huawei has not responded to the matter, but the Chinese tech maker is definitely working to contribute as much as possible to provide excellent support for his country.

Industry analysts believe that such activities will diversify Huawei's business portfolio to mitigate the impact of US sanctions.

According to information, the Huawei Digital Power subsidiary is registered under the parent organization Huawei and Ken Hu has been the rotating chairman of the company. It was created to face challenges in the era of big data, traffic, energy consumption and help telecommunications operators to achieve efficiency.

In January, Huawei Digital Power and China Resources Power Holdings Co Ltd, which operates coal-fired power plants across China, signed a cooperation agreement for the development of clean energy projects such as big data platforms for solar panels, energy storage systems and power generation.

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