Anxious about Ukraine's Worsening Situation, China warns its Citizens

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Anxious about Ukraine's Worsening Situation, China warns its Citizens

Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Tuesday (22/2/2022), China was concerned about the deteriorating situation in Ukraine. China reiterated its call for all sides to exercise restraint and resolve differences through dialogue.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday ordered the deployment of troops to the two breakaway regions of eastern Ukraine after recognizing their independence. This exacerbates a crisis that the West fears could spark a full-blown war.

Russia denies plans to attack Ukraine, but has threatened unspecified "military-technical" action unless it accepts comprehensive security guarantees, including a promise that its neighbor will never join NATO.

China's Foreign Ministry reported that Wang told US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in a phone call that any country's legitimate security concerns must be respected.

"The situation in Ukraine is deteriorating. China once again calls on all parties to exercise restraint," Wang told Blinken.

In the call, Blinken underlined the need to safeguard Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity in the midst of the Russian conflict.

Earlier on Tuesday, China's embassy in Ukraine warned its citizens there not to visit the unstable region. However, China does not prohibit its citizens from traveling.

"The Chinese Embassy in Ukraine has issued a warning to Chinese citizens and companies to strengthen security precautions," said Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the foreign ministry.

The embassy will ensure that the food needs of Chinese nationals in Ukraine are met in a timely manner, Wang said at a regular press conference in response to a question about when China would withdraw its citizens.

China is closely following the developing situation in Ukraine.

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