Wants to Defend Its Territory from China's Threats, Philippines Acquires BrahMos Missiles from India

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Wants to Defend Its Territory from China's Threats, Philippines Acquires BrahMos Missiles from India

A time when the threat that threatens every country one by one begins to appear. Different countries, different attitudes are taken to overcome this.

Modernization of weapons is certainly a solution for any country to be able to defend its sovereignty. Security and defense of course must be pursued as much as possible as a form of struggle.

Currently the most obvious threat is China with all its actions by recognizing several other countries' territories.

This of course raises a reaction for the aggrieved country. If there is an action, there must be a reaction, and if there is a cause, there must be an effect.

The Philippines has now shown a reaction to China's unsettling behavior. Reportedly the Philippines is giving a contract to supply weapons to the country.

Quoted from Defense Security Asia, the Philippine Ministry of Defense has currently awarded a US$374 million contract to Brahmos Aerospace Private Ltd to supply anti-ship missile systems to the country.

Quoted from Naval News, the BrahMos missile was designed by Brahmos Aerospace, which is a joint venture between the NPO Mashinostroyeniya of the Russian Federation and the Defense Research and Development Organization of India (DRDO).

The Philippines wants to use the Brahmos missile system to prevent China from any attempt to seize and occupy islands or coral reefs that are within the waters of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the South China Sea.

After these efforts are made, it is hoped that Chinese coastguard vessels will have to think twice before approaching any Philippine island or reef.

The Brahmos anti-ship missile system is a joint venture between India's Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and Russia's NPO Mashinostreyenia (NPOM).

Quoted from Defense Aviation Spot, Brahmos is so advanced that there are hardly any major competitors for advanced weapons or on technology and lethality.

In addition, Brahmos is said to be the most advanced generation of its peers according to its manufacturer.

Apart from the Philippines, New Delhi also held talks with several countries in Southeast Asia such as Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia. The talks are in an effort to further expand the missile system export market.

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