Want to be Established, These 5 Finance Skills Should Know Single Men

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Want to be Established, These 5 Finance Skills Should Know Single Men

Whether you're a boy or a girl, you need neat personal financial management to make your life calm. At first it may not feel like it, but after a while, it's not funny if the money you've been tired of collecting always goes away prematurely.

You are not a child anymore. This is not the time to "ask" parents when the money runs out due to their own carelessness. Instead, you should already be thinking about how the quality of your life can improve in the next few years.

How, you can have capital to pay for a house, vehicle, or even investment needs. So, so that your money is right on target and your savings are always maintained, you can apply these financial tips right now.

1. To make your spending more controllable, separate your money into two different ATMs. One for daily, and the other for savings.

Not only do you have to depend on your parents, as a man, of course you must have savings as capital to get married. Well, if you are already working, start saving.

You can share your paycheck in different ATMs. The first ATM for daily needs that can be taken at any time, for example for eating, doing hobbies, traveling and so on.

And a second ATM for future savings that you can't take just anywhere. For ATM deposits, make sure you choose a bank that provides low taxes. With habits like this, your finances can be more organized and in control.

2. If you have a smoking habit, make a special budget every month so that this habit does not become the cause of your financial collapse.

Without realizing it, the habit of smoking is often the cause of your financial collapse. If you can't leave it, you can get around it by limiting cigarettes with a special budget. So, try to allocate funds in this way:

Reduce smoking habits by limiting the cigarette spending budget. If you usually spend 1 pack for 2 days, now reduce it with a cigarette budget of 1 pack for 3 days.

In this way, your finances can be more efficient. In addition, your smoking habit will also be reduced slowly. But if you want to get rid of this habit, your money is guaranteed to save even more.

3. Maybe you don't like going to the supermarket. But there's nothing wrong with shopping just once for the needs of the next month. That way you can get a lower price.

Not a few men are lazy to go shopping at a big supermarket. In fact, the price of goods there is much cheaper.

Well, if you usually shop for items one by one at the nearest shop, there's nothing wrong with shopping for your monthly needs at once.

You choose the beginning or the middle of the month to go to the supermarket, then buy all the monthly necessities you need such as toiletries and food. Don't forget to choose a large package, because usually you can get a cheaper price.

With these tips, your expenses can be more organized and more efficient. No need to be ashamed of shopping at the supermarket. Even if you are lazy, you can ask to be accompanied by a boyfriend or roommate.

4. So that you don't run out of money just to cultivate hobbies, limit it to spending a maximum of 30% of the monthly money you have.

Hobbies are like life for a man. In fact, boys' hobbies are not cheap, you know, for example photography, bicycles, and automotive. Not infrequently you will spend a lot of money to wrestle it.

So, so that your life remains prosperous without leaving your hobbies, there's nothing wrong with starting a clear monthly budget.

You can limit spending on hobbies to no more than 30% of the monthly funds you have. That way, you can still set aside money for savings and prepare for the future.

5. It would be nice from now on you to learn long-term investment. If you think about this when you are young, your family will prosper more easily

Before going directly into the household, it would be nice for you to start learning about future investments. Maybe you don't think about it right now, but family welfare will be easier to achieve if you think about it since you were young.

Not only saving money in savings, now you can invest it in goods or stocks. Investments in the form of gold, dinars, dirhams, or property are also quite promising.

In addition, you can also start paying off your land or house from now on. So your savings are not only silent, but also grow bigger. Profitable right?

The money you have collected will be more useful for yourself if you are smart in managing it. Learn the five things above while you are still young. Because if you are married later, your life with your children and wife can be happier and fulfilled.

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