US Warships intercept by China Navy Near Paracel Islands in the South China Sea

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US Warships intercept by China Navy Near Paracel Islands in the South China Sea

US warships intercept by china navy near paracel islands in the south china sea. A united states navy-guided missile destroyer challenged chinese claims of sovereignty in and around islands in the south china sea on thursday, with a navy statement saying such claims violate international law and pose a serious threat to the freedom of the seas.

The chinese military has said it tracked a u.s warship that sailed through disputed waters in the south china sea, accusing it of provocative actions and warning of serious consequences.

The US Navy said its mission was in accordance with international law and in line with its commitment to defend every nation's right to fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows.

The USS Benfold sailed around the paracel islands known as the chisha islands in china in what the navy calls Freedom Of Navigation Operation (FONOP), Lieutenant Mark Langford spokesperson for the US 7th fleet said in the statement.

The paracels are a collection of 130 small coral islands and reefs in the northwestern part of the south china sea. They have no indigenous population to speak up, only chinese military garrisons amounting to 1,400 people, according to the cia factbook.

China reacted angrily to the presence of the Benfold and what it claims are its territorial waters. The PLA southern theatre command organized naval and air forces to track, monitor and drive away from the destroyer with warnings, a statement from the chinese military said.

What the u.s has done seriously infringes on china's sovereignty and security and is yet another hard evidence that it is pursuing maritime hegemony and militarizing the south china sea. Facts fully prove that the US is a risk-maker in the south china sea and the biggest destroyer of peace and stability in the south china sea, it said.

China claims almost all of the 1.3 million square miles of the south china sea as its sovereign territory. 

At the conclusion of the operation USS Benfold exited the excessive claim and continued operations in the south china sea, it said in an apparent reference to China's claim of a straight maritime boundary around the islands, which the US has accused china of declaring in an attempt to claim more waters and territory than it is entitled to under international law.

Langford said thursday's FONOP was the second of this year against chinese claims in the south china sea. The USS Benfold also sailed near the spratly islands on tuesday, but he stressed it continues a long-standing u.s military practice.

"US forces operate in the south china sea on a daily basis, as they have for more than a century," the u.s navy statement said.

The americans aren't doing anything that they haven't done before, but of course china will call it provocative given everything else that is going on in their relationship. Ironically the more that china maintains these baselines, the more they attract american and even british warships to challenge them.

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