US Reportedly Preparing to Evacuate Diplomats From Ukraine

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US Reportedly Preparing to Evacuate Diplomats From Ukraine

The US State Department is preparing approval for the evacuation of several diplomats and their families from the embassy in Ukraine. As reported by ABC citing a source. According to the source, the final authorization has not been approved so the scope of the evacuation is not clear.

"We have nothing to announce at this time. We are conducting rigorous contingency planning, as we always do, should the security situation deteriorate," a US State Department spokeswoman told ABC News in response to the report Sunday. 2022).

That contingency planning has been going on for weeks now, as ABC News first reported it last month that the US embassy was preparing for an official or ordered departure.

Official departures allow families and non-emergency staff to evacuate, usually on commercial flights, while ordered departures require them to do so. In both cases, the US State Department will warn Americans to leave the country as well.

Ukraine itself is already Level 4: Do Not Travel according to a US State Department travel advisory with explicit warnings that Russia is planning significant military action against Ukraine.

But while Americans will be warned to leave the country this week, the US State Department made clear that they will not be evacuated on government planes, as in Afghanistan — an evacuation the department keeps saying is no precedent.

"If there is a decision to change our stance with respect to American diplomats and their families, Americans should not anticipate that there will be a US government-sponsored evacuation," a State Department spokesman said.

"Currently commercial flights are available to support departures," he added. The decision to evacuate some staff and families from the embassy has angered the Ukrainian government, according to one of the sources.

Ukrainians in Kiev and on the frontlines in the war between Ukraine and Russian-led forces in the eastern provinces told ABC News they were less convinced that a full-scale Russian offensive was imminent.

Some argue that pressure from Moscow is just a bluff and they see the US agreeing to a move like this. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky hinted at this during his meeting with Foreign Minister Antony Blinken last Wednesday.

"Your intelligence is very good, but you're way overseas, and we're here, and I think we know some things a little deeper," Zelensky told Blinken.

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