US Approaches Paracel Islands, China Sends Warning

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US Approaches Paracel Islands, China Sends Warning

China on Tuesday deployed its naval and air assets in response to a freedom of navigation operation carried out by the US guided-missile destroyer USS Benfold in the South China Sea.

A spokesman for China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) Southern Theater Command reported the US Arleigh Burke-class ship illegally entered an area near the Paracel Islands, which Beijing calls the Xisha Islands and claims under its sovereignty.

"The command sent the navy and air force to follow and finally alert the American warships," said Colonel Tian Junli, spokesman for the PLA Southern Theater Command.

He said the passage of the US warship violated China's sovereignty and security. He also warned that unless Washington stopped such activities, the US would suffer serious consequences from unforeseen events.

The US Navy did not immediately comment on the operation, according to Reuters, but said it would release a statement soon.

The warship USS Benford was previously deployed to conduct a freedom of navigation operation (FONOP) in early September 2021 near contested Mischief Reef, which is the target of a massive land reclamation effort by China.

The South China Sea is one of the busiest shipping routes in the world and China considers it important to its national security. Various islands there are claimed by regional powers, including China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines.

Meanwhile the US does not support any country's claims and regularly launches FONOP to challenge Beijing's assertion of sovereignty in the waters.

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