Upgrade The New MQ-25 Stingray Drones, Can Refuel in Mid-Air

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Upgrade The New MQ-25 Stingray Drones, Can Refuel in Mid-Air

Boeing has announced a deal to build a new factory in St Louis to build the MQ-25A Stingray drones.  The facility set to be finished in 2024, will first employ 150 mechanics and support staff.

The word drone means many different things to different people. The small flying toys that one plays with are drones. so are the predator drones that are used in foreign air strikes.

Now the military has another use for drones, refueling strike fighters

According to popular mechanics, history was made earlier this month when the u.s navy's MQ-25A Stingray refueling tanker conducted the first successful refueling of an F-35 sea strike fighter. The refueling took place near the mid-america st louis airport in muscuta, illinois.

"The successful test is the latest step in giving carrier-based fighters longer legs than ever before, allowing them to fly and fight while keeping the aircraft carrier safely out of range of enemy weapons," popular mechanics said of the maneuver.

During the three-hour flight, a USN F-35C pilot from air test wing and evaluation squadron 2 3 vx 23, approached the boeing own test asset stingray MQ-25 T1 and performed formation evaluations, wake surveys and drogue tracking.

It then plugged with the T1 at 225 kt calibrated airspeed at 10,000 feet altitude. There were two contacts with the actual transfer taking place during the second one.

Meanwhile for flight global boeing has announced a deal to build a new factory, located at that same airport to build the MQ-25A stingray drones. The facility set to be finished in 2024 will first employ 150 mechanics and support staff.

"The team and state state-of-the-art technology we're bringing to the navy's MQ-25 program is unprecedented and we're incredibly proud to be expanding both as we build the future of autonomous systems in illinois," Kristin Robertson, Vice President and General Manager of Autonomous Systems Boeing Defense, Space and Security said in a statement.

"As i wrote last year about how the MQ-24A String ray was one step closer to reality, following the first successful test. It was seen at the time as intended to take over the role of aerial refueling for the navy, a role currently filled by the navy's F/A-18 Super Hornets turned tankers. We wrote of the MQ-24A," he added.

"To CT-1 Stingray prototype fly with the hardware and software that makes MQ-25 and aerial refueler this early in the program is a visible reminder of the capability we're bringing to the carrier deck, Dave Bugeld, the MQ-25A Stingray pPogram Director said in a statement after that test.

 "We're ensuring the ars and the software operating it will be ready to help MQ-25 extend the range of the carrier air wing," he added.

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