Still Young, How to Save Gold for Beginners?

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Still Young, How to Save Gold for Beginners?

If you have extra money, then it's time you think about the type of investment. One of the most profitable is gold. However, you must know in advance how to save gold correctly for beginners.

Why Save Gold?

As one type of precious metal, gold has a limited amount. Therefore, the price of gold will always go up because it is considered rare, while there are a lot of demand. Of course, saving gold is more profitable than saving money whose value continues to decline due to inflation.

Apart from that, the value of gold also remains high. Even in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, gold remains one of the popular investments because its value is relatively stable. The risk as a novice investor is small. Also read, 7 ways to invest in gold for beginners

The increase in gold prices was quite high. In the last 5 years alone, the price has increased by almost 50%. In comparison, if you bought gold with a purchase price of IDR 8 million in 2017, now it has become IDR 12 million.

In general, people also save gold through pawnshops.

Benefits of Saving Gold at the Pawnshop

Pegadaian is a state-owned company (State-Owned Enterprise) that provides loan services and gold savings. Many beginners try to save gold by opening a gold savings account at this Pegadaian.

The benefits of saving gold at the Pawnshop include:
  • Can be online or offline;
  • Can open an account starting from 0.01 gram;
  • Trusted because of the government;
  • 24 carat gold guarantee;
  • Low admin fees.
Therefore, you can try saving gold at the Pawnshop.

How to Save Gold at a Pawnshop

At Pegadaian, you can open a gold savings account in 2 ways, namely offline and online. However, before that, make sure you are at least 17 years old and already have an identity card in the form of an ID card (Kartu Identity).

Here's how!

How to Save Gold at Pawnshops Offline:
  • Prepare a document in the form of an ID card and go to the nearest Pawnshop/Office.
  • Request and fill out the form to open a Gold Savings Account.
  • Account opening fees and annual facility fees are $5.

How to Save Gold at Pawnshops Online
  • Download the Digital Pegadaian application on your gadget.
  • Perform the registration steps and fill in the form for opening a Gold Savings Account.
  • Upload documents in the form of ID cards or passports to the application.
Finished! If you want to have the account book, you can visit the nearest Pawnshop office up to 180 days after opening the account.

Other Things to Consider Before Saving Gold

You also need to pay attention to some important information, for example:

You can buy gold with a minimum of 0.1 grams and top up after a multiple of 0.01 grams according to the gold price on that day. Therefore, choose the right day when the gold price is not too high.

If you want to cash out, you can buyback to Pegadaian where Pegadaian will give you money in exchange for gold. However, the minimum selling price is 1 gram. You can also do this at the Pawnshop Office where you open a Savings Account.

You can print gold bars in the form of pieces ranging from 5 grams to 100 grams. However, remember that there is a printing fee.

You can top up using an ATM with a daily top up amount of min 0.01 grams to a max of 100 grams.

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