Sending Weapons to Ukraine, 3 Baltic Countries Wait for US Code

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Sending Weapons to Ukraine, 3 Baltic Countries Wait for US Code

Ukraine continues to receive support from a number of US allies in Europe amid tensions with Russia. Most recently, the three countries on the Blue Continent are waiting for US approval to provide assistance.

Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia are awaiting US approval to send lethal American-made weapons to Ukraine to prevent a suspected Russian invasion. This is the report handed down by Politico.

"The three Baltic countries are ready to transfer weapons such as anti-armor and surface-to-air missiles to Ukraine," the report quoted officials from those countries and people familiar with the matter as saying. 1/2022).

Senator Jim Risch, who is the top Republican figure on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told Politico he hoped the Biden administration would approve arms transfers to Ukraine soon.

US export licensing regulations require the Baltic states to first seek approval from the US State Department before transferring weapons to Ukraine. The three Baltic states are members of NATO and have supported strengthening the alliance's presence in their countries.

"The US Department of State declined to comment on this matter, and the White House did not respond to requests for comment," the report said.

Western countries and Kiev have recently expressed concern about Russia's alleged "aggressive actions" near the border with Ukraine. Kiev accuses Moscow of building up its military and preparing for an invasion of neighboring countries.

However, Russia denied the accusations and reiterated that it had no intention of attacking any country. Moreover, Moscow views the accusations as a pretext for deploying more NATO military equipment near Russia's borders.

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