In the investment world, we will recognize the terms bullish and bearish.
The terms bullish and bearish to describe the condition of market movements
that are up or down.
What is Bearish
Bearish is a weakening or declining market condition due to the overall
decline in stock prices. Bearish is the opposite of bullish. This bearish
condition is used by investors to predict a stock price will move down.
If it is bearish, then market conditions indicate a downtrend. Investors or
traders tend to see bearish conditions as a negative thing in the investment
world. The effect of the bearish finally investors and traders can panic and
sell their shares at a loss.
What is Bullish
In the investment world, bullish means the overall strengthening of stock
prices. Bullish is also known as a bull market. This term is used to predict
an increase in stock prices and indicate an uptrend.
A rising stock market is usually influenced by a rising economy. This
bullish condition usually indicates that the market has just emerged from a
bearish condition.
How to Deal with Bullish and Bearish
The condition of rising and falling stock prices is natural because the
market doesn't always have to go up and the market doesn't always have to go
down. But most importantly when it goes down, if the fundamentals of the
stock you choose are good.
You don't have to worry about selling. Don't buy
when it's bullish and sell when it's bearish. Investment aims to make a
profit, not even a loss.
If you are a trader, of course you should study technical analysis. This
aims to minimize losses and help you when the time is right to buy and sell.
If you are confused about learning technical analysis and investing when
stocks are bullish or bearish. You can study at Money Livestock. One of the
financial education startups.
Is stock investment right? Here again you want to choose what type of
investment instrument. Stock investment does provide high returns but
depends on fundamental factors, the business sector, the economy,
socio-political conditions, and unexpected disasters.