Predictions of World Destruction Strengthen As US-Russia Tensions

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Predictions of World Destruction Strengthen As US-Russia Tensions

Former United States Congressman Tulsi Gabbard issued a blunt warning via Twitter on Thursday (20/1/2022) about rising tensions between the United States and Russia.

According to him, on the grounds that a conflict between "two nuclear-armed powers" can only end in "the destruction of the world and life as we know it."

The current "warmers of war" are, according to the Democratic Party politician, increasing tensions with Russia.

US President Joe Biden and other administration officials have issued several threats to Russia if Washington can move troops to Ukraine, something some US officials have claimed was likely due to Moscow's recent military moves.

Moscow has denied this, saying the troop maneuvers were an internal matter and allegations of a planned attack on Ukraine were baseless. Read also: It was revealed that Trump held a secret meeting before the US Capitol riots.

Gabbard is one of the Democratic Party's more vocal critics of the current government. He included a clip of the Fox News interview in his tweet. 

In the interview, he specifically named US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan as supporters of the "war regime change."

He added that, "They are the ones who influence the decisions this White House makes."

White House press secretary Jen Psaki warned this week that there would be a "heavy cost to the Russian economy" if it attacked Ukraine.

The statement followed reports that US officials were considering tougher economic sanctions against Russia, as well as export restrictions that could potentially affect major industries.

Biden also warned during a lengthy news conference on Wednesday that invading Ukraine would be a "catastrophe" for Russia, arguing the severity of the United States' response would depend on Russia's specific actions.

"It's one thing if it's a minor attack and we end up having to fight about what to do and what not to do," Biden said.

"But if they really do what they are capable of with the troops gathered at the border, it would be disastrous for Russia if they invaded Ukraine further," Biden added.

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