Indonesia-South Korea Secretly Run the KF-21 Boramae Secret Weapon Project to Fight China

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Indonesia-South Korea Secretly Run the KF-21 Boramae Secret Weapon Project to Fight China

South Korea and Indonesia are reported to be building the KF-21 Boramae. After more than 10 years of effort, the KF-21 Boramae Indonesia and South Korea have become real.

Now Indonesia and South Korea are waiting for June 6, 2022 to see the KF-21 Boramae fly for the first time.

The KF-21 Boramae itself will be used for more than 30 years. This is because the design of the KF-21 Boramae was made in such a way.

Reporting from Aviacionline, this fighter is made with more than 100 thousand holes to install more than 220 thousand bolts and nuts.

The KF-21 Boramae was also tested under continuous pressure as a simulated real flight.

In this way, the strength of the wings is also tested whether they are able to withstand the load and still work optimally in various pressures. Even the KF-21 Boramae is also designed to remain in use for up to 75 years. Then it will perform another test.

Quoted from The JoongAng, who gained access to the KAI facility and was able to see firsthand the progress made on the 6 prototypes of the KF-21 Boramae.

One quirk they were able to appreciate quickly was the different paint schemes KAI tested on its planes. Where this is especially the striking vertical drift on the prototype KF-21 Boramae unit 4 and unit 5 fighter jets.

"After the engine tests are usually completed, we plan to carry out a test drive of the fighter runways starting in the spring," a KAI official said.

Then Indonesia and South Korea are currently secretly making weapons for the KF-21 Boramae. The two are currently building hypersonic missiles for the KF-21 Boramae.

"According to Representative Kang Dae-shik of People's Strength on the 25th, the Defense Science Research Institute (ADD) is conducting conceptual research, which is the initial stage of the HGV-type hypersonic missile," reported

South Korea has even started this project since 2016.

"The military, which began developing HCM-type hypersonic missiles in 2016, plans to deploy them in actual combat by installing them on the domestic fighter 'KF-21 Boramae' in the early 2030s," explains

The firing range of the KF-21 Boramae HGV missile is very far. That is to reach 700 km!

"The HGV-type hypersonic missile using ballistic missiles has a much longer range than the HCM type (about 700 km)," reports

South Korea secretly built this project because there is a possibility China objected to the HGV hypersonic missile because it threatens its existence.

"It is known that the military is secretly developing a 'two-track' hypersonic missile as a secret project, as there is a possibility that neighboring countries such as China will object if the development is carried out publicly," explained

So let's see how the Indonesian and South Korean KF-21 Boramae counter the ambitions of China's Nine Dash Line claim.

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