In Response to Beijing's Actions, US Suspends Chinese Airlines' Flights

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In Response to Beijing's Actions, US Suspends Chinese Airlines' Flights

The United States government will suspend 44 flights to China from America by four Chinese airlines. The move is in response to the Chinese government's decision to suspend some US airline flights due to COVID-19 concerns.

"The suspension will begin on January 30 with a Los Angeles-to-Xiamen flight scheduled for Xiamen Airlines and last through March 29," the US Department of Transportation said.

The decision will suspend some flights by Xiamen, Air China, China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines. Previously, since December 31, Chinese authorities had suspended 20 United Airlines, 10 American Airlines and 14 Delta Air Lines flights, after several passengers tested positive for COVID-19.

As recently as Tuesday, the Department of Transportation said, the Chinese government had announced the cancellation of new US flights.

Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, said the policy for international passenger flights entering China had been "applied equally to Chinese and foreign airlines in a fair, open and transparent manner."

"The US move is completely unreasonable. We urge the US side to stop interfering with and restricting normal passenger flights by Chinese airlines," Pengyu said.

Airlines for America, a trade group representing three US airlines affected by China's move along with others, said it supported Washington's actions to ensure fair treatment of US airlines in the Chinese market.

The Ministry of Transport, said France and Germany had taken similar action against China's COVID-19 measures. It said China's suspension of 44 flights "is detrimental to the public interest and requires proportionate remedial action."

The department added that China's "unilateral actions against the mentioned US airlines are inconsistent" with the bilateral agreement. China has also suspended many US flights by Chinese airlines after passengers later tested positive.

Beijing and Washington have been arguing about air service since the start of the pandemic. In August, the US Department of Transportation restricted four flights from the Chinese carrier to 40 percent passenger capacity for four weeks, after Beijing imposed the same limit on four United Airlines flights.

Prior to the recent cancellations, three US airlines and four Chinese airlines operated about 20 flights a week between countries, well below the more than 100 per week before the pandemic.

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