High Tension, Russia Deploys 140 Warships After Receiving Warning From Biden

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High Tension, Russia Deploys 140 Warships After Receiving Warning From Biden

Russia will deploy more than 140 warships and supplies, more than 60 aircraft, 1,000 military equipment and 10,000 military soldiers to take part in a series of military exercises.

The Russian Defense Ministry announced Thursday that the Russian Navy will hold a series of exercises in all the zones it is responsible for in January-February.

"In accordance with the training plan of the Russian armed forces in 2022, a series of naval exercises will be held in January-February in all zones of responsibility of the fleet under the general guidance of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Nikolay Yevmenov," reads a release issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense. reported from TASS, Friday (21/1/2022).

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense the main objective of the exercise is to let the Navy and Air Force practice operations to protect Russia's national interests in the World Ocean and also to counter military threats from the sea.

“The exercise will cover the seas that sweep across Russia as well as the very important area of the World Ocean. There will be several exercises in the Mediterranean Sea and the North Sea as well as the Sea of Okhotsk, in the Northeast Atlantic and in the Pacific," the Russian Defense Ministry said.

Furthermore, the Russian Ministry of Defense also said that on January 18-22, 2022 together with China and Iran, Russia will hold a joint naval exercise CHIRU-2Q22 in the Gulf of Oman.

"Participating in the exercises from Russia are a group of ships from the Russian Pacific Fleet: the missile cruiser Varyag, the anti-submarine ship Admiral Tributs and the fuel tanker Boris Butoma," the Russian Ministry of Defense said.

The drills will involve artillery fire drills, joint tactical maneuvers, and maritime search and rescue operations, as well as inspection and recapture of ships seized by pirates.

"After that the Pacific Fleet group of ships will continue to the Mediterranean to join the forces of the Northern and Baltic Fleet for joint exercises," the Russian Ministry of Defense explained.

Then on January 15, six amphibious assault ships from the Baltic and Northern fleets left the port of Baltiysk for a designated training area in the Mediterranean. Currently, the group was crossing the North Sea.

The announcement comes after US President Joe Biden warned that Russia would suffer catastrophic consequences if it attacked Ukraine. The disaster included a large loss of life and great economic loss.

"If they actually do what they are capable of with the forces they muster on the border, it will be disastrous for Russia," Biden said at a news conference Wednesday in Washington time.

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