Elon Musk Offers USD 5000 for Stalker Tracking His Plane

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Elon Musk Offers USD 5000 for Stalker Tracking His Plane

As the richest person in the world and the leader of a major corporation, Elon Musk certainly values his privacy. To the extent that he offered a student USD 5,000 to stop being a stalker who tracked the location of his private jet.

The student named Jack Sweeney manages the @ElonJet Twitter account. As the name implies, the account tracks the movements of Musk's private jet using publicly available air traffic data.

According to a Protocol report, Sweeney received a Twitter DM from Musk last fall. In the message, Musk asked Sweeney to delete the @ElonJet Twitter account.

"Can you delete this? This is a security risk," Musk wrote in his message to Sweeney, as quoted from Futurism, Friday (28/1/2022).

"Yes I can, but you have to pay with the Model 3, just kidding," Sweeney replied.

The two continued to text, and Musk also briefly asked Sweeney how much money he got from the account. When Sweeney replied that he was earning less than $20 per month, Musk then offered Sweeney $5,000 to delete the account.

"I don't want to be shot by a lunatic," Musk said.

Sweeney then asked Musk to increase his offer to $50,000. The 19-year-old said the money would help him pay for college and buy a car.

Musk later replied that he would consider it. But until now, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla has not contacted Sweeney again.

The @ElonJet account currently has over 100,000 followers on Twitter. Not only Elon Musk, Sweeney also has 15 other bot accounts that track the movements of private jets belonging to technology bosses, including Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.

While what Sweeney did was not illegal, Musk has every right to be concerned about his privacy and safety.

Recently, the 50-year-old tweeted that people stalking his whereabouts was starting to become a security issue.

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