B61 Series Weapons F-35 Completes Final Test for Nuclear-Capable B61 Series Weapons

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B61 Series WeaponsF-35 Completes Final Test for Nuclear-Capable B61 Series Weapons

Finally F-35 completes final test for nuclear-capable B-61 series weapons. American deterrence efforts came one step closer to a critical new level when the air force proved a stealth fighter as capable of delivering a tactical nuclear weapon inside hostile territory.

The F-35A is the first fifth generation fighter to near certification as a nuclear-capable platform after completing the first full weapon system demonstration in completing the nuclear design certification process.

During the demonstration, two F-35s dropped B-6112 joint test assemblies which mimic a real-world tactical gravity nuclear weapon at the tanopa test range in Nevada. 

It makes our potential adversaries think more about their game plan before launching it, air combat command deputy director for strategic deterrence lieutenant colonel douglas a Cabell told air force magazine.

It can get closer to further inside a combat area that may otherwise be impossible for non-stealth assets, Cabell added.

Air combat command's 422nd and 59th test in evaluation squadrons based at nellis air force base nev, flew the final flight test exercise for the aircraft to receive nuclear design certification.

Test data is now under review at the department of defense and department of energy to ensure the F-35A and B-6112 jtas performed correctly. 

The next step is nuclear operational certification to ensure training and validation of maintenance and air crews at desired wing locations where nuclear-capable F-35 missions exist.

Approval would mean the united states has a fighter capable of hitting targets with tactical nuclear weapons inside hostile territory without detection.

What happened was for the first time, an operationally representative F-35 aircraft executed a drop of A/B 612 joint test assembly, which is basically exactly like a B-61 that comes out of the nuclear stockpile without the physics package in it, the part that makes it go, boom cable explained.

It can get closer and with a gravity type of weapon, the closer you can get to your actual target, the more likely it is you're going to hit it.

Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Jackson Headquarters ACC Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration Division Chief said the b-61 series weapons can be used on other dual-capable aircraft such as the F-15E and F-16C/D.

The F-35s used for the jta test required two major hardware component modifications to take on the nuclear weapon, a nuclear consent switch in the cockpit and a mission select switch in the weapon bay.

"The switch has to be in a certain position for the aircraft to recognize that it's a new capable type of configuration," Jackson said of the mission select switch which must be engaged on the ground.

"There is kind of an extra added safety measure i would say," added to the jet as well.

The nuclear certification process is broken into two phases nuclear design certification in nuclear operational certification.

This test conducted is considered the graduation flight test exercise for the F-35A's nuclear design certification. Jackson said that right now, the B-2 bomber is the air force's only nuclear-capable stealth aircraft.

However once certified not every F-35 will become nuclear-capable, Cabell said.

At the end of the day once the aircraft is designed certified it still has to be operationally certified, he said, that will be done at the location, the operational wing that has the mission to utilize this.

The two ACC officers declined to disclose a timeline or location for the operationally certified aircraft but indicated it would come soon. there will be an initial design certification here in the not too distant future, Cabell said.

Then follow on after that is the operational certification which completes the process, making the F-35 a fully certified dual capable aircraft and that capability is one that now we can put in the hands of the combatant commanders.

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