Amazing, The US Navy Littoral Battleships Upgrade Weapon Systems Massively

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Amazing, The US Navy Littoral Battleships Upgrade Weapon Systems Massively

The navy is now qualifying a new combat system for its literal combat ship intended to better integrate, streamlining and improve weapons on board the ship, a plan which is leading the service to prepare for a larger number of upcoming live fire exercises to prepare the ship for major maritime warfare.

"We are undertaking a large-scale effort to upgrade combat systems," Captain Jason Kipp, Program Manager, PEO Integrated Warfare Systems told an audience at the navy league's sea air space symposium.

Part of the effort includes an introduction of new government furnished equipment likely intended to improve fire control, targeting and integration across a group of shipboard weapons systems. These weapons include an over-the-horizon naval strike missile, Close-in Weapon System for near-in threats and mid-range defensive interceptors such as SeaRAM and Rolling Airframe Missile.

"Over the course of many years of development, the SeaRAM missile has engaged and destroyed an aerial drone," navy officials said.

"This was the first shipboard firing of the new weapon which emerged from extensive planning, assessment modeling and simulation," navy officials added.

Kipp said the combat system's qualification for LCS-19, the USS St Louis recently completed by firing a remote controlled aerial targeting with C-RAM in only the second second, full up display of C-RAM detecting and engaging from aboard the freedom variant of the LCS.

All of these weapons enhancements are intended to help establish the technological infrastructure sufficient for massive LCS survivability and lethality upgrades planned for 2023, Kipp said.

CIWS (Close-In-Weapon System)

The CIWS ship self-defense weapon uses a phalanx gun able fire 4,500 small projectiles per minute to blanket an area. The C-RAM weapons replaces the gun with larger, longer range rolling airframe missiles unlike the ciws weapons which as an area defense weapon, uses a 20 millimeters cannon to shoot down threats close to a ship, C-RAM fires a rolling airframe missile SeaRAM from an 11 missile battery, Raytheon officials explained.

The rolling airframe missile is what defense experts call a fire and forget missile, meaning it uses an RF or radio frequency detection technology along with a heat seeking infrared sensor to find its way toward an approaching threat in order to intercept and destroy it.

Navy destroyers would likely use a Standard Missile 3 (SM-3) to defend against an attacking long-range ballistic missile threat flying through space toward a target. Medium-range anti-ship missiles or sea skimming enemy rockets could be destroyed by an SM-2 or SM-6 interceptor.

Threats a bit closer could be taken out by an evolved sea sparrow missile or essm or cram before a close-in weapons system strikes down approaching fire. Arming destroyers in the literal combat ship with more lethal precise and longer range weapons can easily be interpreted as being part of the navy's larger, distributed lethality strategy which first emerged in 2015 as part of an effort to massively arm the surface fleet.

Since that time, the strategy has evolved and migrated into what the service calls distributed maritime operation. A term perhaps indicating that newer networking, AI enabled computing and cross-domain operations are inspiring the navy to migrate or further develop its surface warfare strategy.

Broadly speaking, the idea is to help the navy return more fully to a focus on blue water combat against potential near-peer adversaries following a decade of ground wars wherein the navy expended more effort on things like counter piracy, visit board search and seizure and counter terrorism.

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